Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

GCS - Green House Incubator - SolDeSal



SolDeSal provides drinking water on a large scale from sea or brackish ground water.  A solar field of one square mile can sustain a city of a population of approximately 150 – 200 thousand.  Since the cost of produced water is low, the fresh water can also be used for irrigation of agricultural land providing a wide base for economic prosperity and growth.  The technology requires no other natural resources but sun and seawater. These resources are most abundant in areas where the population growth is the fastest and where fresh-water resources are the scarcest. The SolDeSal solution is based on a unique integration of conventional and new, patented technologies:  High Density Solar Thermal Steam Generator, High Temperature Thermal Storage System, 2D Matrix Multi Effect Distillation Unit, Direct Contact Air Cooled Condenser and Conventional Steam Turbine Generator.