Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green
GCS - Green House Incubator - Meet the Director Bernie Burgener
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:29:00
- More information
Bernie Burgener is the executive director of the Greenhouse Accelerator, where he helps to create local green jobs by advising and financially supporting startup entrepreneurs in green technology business ventures. Early in his career Bernie helped fund and grow businesses in various countries and industries in South America, working for a private investment company out of Lima, Peru. He then worked for over twenty years with a water treatment company in Atlanta, leading its international business development. Greenhouse Accelerator: The Greenhouse Accelerator is a non-profit organization and provides its help for free, working with cleantech entrepreneurs over a period of up to three years; it also provides seed loans, but does not invest in equity. Its key objective is to help green entrepreneurs create sustainable local jobs and it measures its success along a triple bottom line: its impacts on revenues generated, on sustainable jobs created, and on the responsible use of natural resources. It is a