Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Climate Education - it can happen in your classroom



The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) is an innovative organization working to build public support for climate solutions by investing in the next generation. ACE believes young people have the most to lose when it comes to climate change, and the most to gain by solving it. Since their founding in 2008, ACE has educated over 1.8 million high school students nationwide and inspired over 400,000 youth to take climate action and amplify their voice to tell their climate story. 73% of the schools ACE works with are public and 60% of students in their programs are youth of color. In Atlanta, ACE has educated over 70,000 students and inspired hundreds to take action in schools and communities, from reducing energy, to planting organic gardens, to raising awareness about clean energy solutions. If you are a parent or educator and you would like to learn more about hosting the ACE assembly in your local high school in Atlanta, go to or contact Amber Nave at Amber.Nave@climat