Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Florida's Good News on Solar



Susan Glickman Florida Director, SACE Action Fund Susan has worked with Southern Alliance for Clean Energy since 2001 as a consultant and lobbyist and was named Florida Director in August 2013. Susan has a background in running political campaigns and also directs SACE’s Action Fund in the Sunshine State. A native of Florida, Susan has consulted with many national organizations such as Natural Resources Defense Council, Ceres, Advanced Energy Economy, Union of Concerned Scientists, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Vote Solar, Clean Energy Group, Environmental Defense Fund and Clean Air Task Force. She developed and directed The Florida Business Network for a Clean Energy Economy, a coalition of business leaders working together to advance the clean energy economy. Prior to energy and climate issues, Susan worked to grant the FDA authority to regulate tobacco with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids; to institute a nation-wide health tracking system with Trust for America’s Health and for the first time