Nancy At Noon

Secret Agent Andy and the Liftable Curse



A true story about a woman who waited, wondered, hoped and prayed that her heavenly, hunky, perfect soul mate would mysteriously apparate into her life and fill her hungry void with love, excitement, opportunities and possibilities, then carry her off to an every-after real life land of bliss. But instead, she kept attracting different men wearing the same issues, who used her, abused her and left her feeling dejected and in despair of ever fulfilling her deepest heart-felt desires. Listen to how she gets herself out of this platonic vacation mess. Nancy Murdoch is the author of 5 books, story writing coach & consultant, radio show host, podcaster, artist, one-time firewalker, and a new grandma!  For over 30 years she has facilitated hands-on creative arts and awareness workshops to help people live their passions and purpose. Nancy lives near Lake Huron in Kincardine, Ontario, helping individuals tell and record their stories in-person and via Skype. Visit to learn more about her on