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BONUS GUIDED RELAXATION SLOW-BREATH MEDITATION (6 MIN) Michael Sandler | Inspiration | Health | Spirituality | Self-Help



Today we have a very short, relaxing meditation that’ll help you calm the body as well as the mind. It’s called the Slow Breath, and I’ll show you in just minute why it has this name. You can do this meditation anytime of the day, but I love it best in the evenings, when I want to slow down, and quiet my mind. If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show. Ratings and Reviews are the #1 way you can help us, and support the show. Plus it’s great karma! To hear more great meditations from me, or our guests, visit our Inspire Nation Show, or I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste. Okay, for this meditation, you’re going to want to sit nice and tall, or laying on your back with your hands by your sides. In short, I’m going to count out your breaths, and I want you to do them, nice, and slow and controlled. This is about breathing in through the nose, and if possible, out through the nose as well. The trick it to go slow a