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[INSPIRE 56] MIKE STEMPLE - HOW TO CUT THROUGH THE BS & CHASE YOUR DREAMS! | Entrepreneur & Runner | Spirituality | Self-Help



Today we have a very inspired entrepreneur, artist and athlete, who will be talking with us about overcoming hurdles, chasing your dreams, and doing what it takes to succeed. He should know, he’s built over 20 companies worth over 100 million dollars (combined). His name is Mike Stemple, and I’m proud to call him my friend, and our first mentor, when we were getting our first company RunBare together, what feels like eons ago. Mike has a knack for cutting through the B.S. and getting at the core of what it takes to succeed. He’s done this with dozens of startups, while running ultra-endurance races, and in his own way, with his artwork as well. If you’ve ever driven i-25 through Denver, you’ve likely seen his Denver Bronco’s mural on a prominent building. I think though, what impresses me most about Mike is his inability to quit, hear no, or get discouraged, no matter what. To make 20 million dollar companies, means being willing to fail, and fail a LOT, something Mike knows a lot about too. But he knows how