The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Yes, You Can Have The SEAL Mindset



Co-Host Marty Strong ( My first-time guest is retired Navy SEAL, author, speaker and CEO Marty Strong. Post military service, Marty has built a career out of teaching men how the SEAL mindset wins in both business as well as on the battlefield. Also, how to be strategically visionary, and--interestingly enough--how to bend, break and even ignore the 'rules' to get results. In a world where many men believe being loud and bullying others is to be admired, and admitting to not knowing it all is "weak", Marty is--like every other SEAL I've ever met--almost disarmingly laid back and almost unassuming, along with being a lifelong student. So then, first is it that SEALS almost always seem to be 'over themselves', yet rise to higher echelons in whatever they endeavor? What is the most effective mindset for men who find themselves at the top of the group they're a part of? How do we as men suffer when we avoid any kind of competition in life whatsoever? How and when is