

Just because a lawyer gets a large settlement for you doesn't mean that he will put a lot of that settlement in your pocket. It doesn't end there. In order to get a substantial settlement in a case it is more likely than not you've endured a great deal of pain and suffering because of the physical problems the accident or the malpractice caused you. That means very often that the amount of money that we get for you may not cover all of your medical bills and still put a sizable portion in your pocket. The lawyer you hire should feel obligated and in fact be obligated to do everything in his or her power to reduce those medical bills. Believe it or not those bills can be negotiated not unlike you're negotiating to purchase a used car. There is a certain amount of money that the doctor or the medical provider has already determined is necessary to cover their expenses in your treatment. It's the responsibility of your lawyer to determine the minimal amount of money necessary to have covered those expenses and b