

You may have read articles in your local newspaper or even online about doctors who seem to be over prescribing pain medication. In the state of Florida they’re often called “Pill Mill” doctors. They seem to recklessly prescribe medications to certain people who come in complaining of pain. Tragically we have often have cases where a family member comes and says, "I told the doctor I begged with the doctor please stop. My family member, my husband, my son is becoming addicted to this pain medication". For whatever reason the doctor seemed to ignore their pleas for help and we've represented families as a consequence when their loved one has committed suicide or tragically died from an overdose of pain medication. We need to hold these doctors responsible and as medical malpractice attorneys we will hold they “Pill Mill” doctors accountable. If you faced such a tragic situation give us a call. Our toll free number is 800-332-1992 or email us at