The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Make Dating Fun Again - MTP447



Co-Host Corey Martire ( Well, here we's Valentine's Day again. It's no secret most of us as men utterly dread this Queen of the Hallmark Holidays for obvious reasons. But 'dating dread' it isn't just reserved for February 14th, is it? The term 'dating' itself is virtually obsolete because ain't nobody got time for that anymore nowadays. Meanwhile, it's well-documented around here how the majority of us as men are allergic to fun. So how on Earth are we supposed to actually enjoy meeting and relating to women out there? Joining the discussion is my first-time guest Corey Martire, or 'Love Strategist Corey' as she is often called. And getting a 'lady guru's' take on this turned out to be a whole lot of fun in and of itself. For starters, online dating and apps are obviously feeling more like work than fun nowadays. What's up with that? Have the sites and apps contributed to their own problems there? So then, we should probably go out into the real world and