Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

How To Use Agile Retrospectives To Help Teams Focus On Continuous Growth | Ville Reijonen



Ville Reijonen: How To Use Agile Retrospectives To Help Teams Focus On Continuous Growth For Ville, true success as a Scrum Master is achieved when the team and the PO can independently manage their development process. He shares how he tracks team progress, conducts one-on-ones to provide tailored support, and uses subtle nudges to guide the team toward autonomy. Ville emphasizes the importance of understanding where individuals are in their learning journey and helping them achieve their goals by continuously assessing and adjusting support strategies. Self-reflection Question: What steps can you take to help your team become more self-sufficient? Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: Spider Web Games Ville highlights the use of spider web graphs (aka radar graphs) as a way for teams to reflect on their progress in different areas. This format creates a visual representation of strengths and areas for improvement. Ville explains how role-playing and simulation games can foster team cohesio