College Debt To Career Cash: Go Beyond The Resume And Sell Yourself In The Interview, Negotiate Salary And Pay Off Loans Earl

She found her dream job in medical sales! Hear how she started with no experience and moved up! What is your dream job? Use her tips and suggestions to find yours! - Stacy Hill



Stacy Hill loves her job selling acute care infusion disposables in the San Diego market!   Are you ready to find your dream job? I can help! Go to:   Stacy is thrilled with the opportunities and support her new company offers her!   We had the opportunity to practice some interviewing skills before her big interview.   Even as a successful medical device rep, she knew the value of coaching. We focused on using the STAR/CAR method of answering questions.   The value of this training is to avoid rambling or getting stuck when you have your big moment.   In these interviews, you must sell yourself every step of the way! Can you think on your feet and come up with stories to nail your answers?   Tip: Pause after a question and draw up your real-world successes. This is much easier if you list out your top 5-7 stories and practice talking about them before the interview.   How can you get your resume past the screening mechanisms and into the right hands? She suggests networking with th