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EP228: Crafting Your BERT Game Plan Using a 3-Step Process



BERT is officially no longer just a Sesame Street character. BERT is Google’s latest algorithm update and in this episode Amanda Powell, Director of Marketing at DigitalMarketer, tells us what we need to know to rank with the new update. She explains DM’s SEO strategy for long tail keywords and high intent searches, how we figure out what visitors are searching for to land on DM’s website, and an example of how we ranked for a high volume keyword. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: The Beginner's Guide to SEO | Moz The Customer Value Journey Explained in 800 Words or Less The Ultimate Guide To Digital Marketing Thanks for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review. iTunes not your thing? Find us on Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or at in this episode:New Ecommerce Strategies WebinarAdCritter for AgenciesFree Audit