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EP290: The Path to Evergreen Webinar Profits By Getting Off “The Launch Hamster Wheel



Feeling like you’re running on the never-ending “Launch Hamster Wheel”? In this episode, founder of Deadline Funnel Jack Born explains how to get off the hamster wheel and into evergreen profits. Listen to learn the importance of strategizing a mindset shift in every webinar you run, why you need to include a story in your marketing (and what to do if you don’t have a story that perfectly aligns with your message), an example of how Deadline Funnel weaves stories into their webinars, and more. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Work with Tier 11 Deadline Funnel Shamwow Perry Marshall Jon Benson Thanks for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Connect with us on Apple Podcasts and leave us a review. Apple Podcasts not your thing? Find us on Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or at in this episode:AdCritter for AgenciesNew Ecommerce Strategies Webinar