The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Bounce Back From Burnout And Live The Dream - MTP185



When my co-host Jennifer Dougherty was in the business world, she started to feel a bit burned out. What did she do to pull herself out of that conundrum and change her mindset? Well, it all led to her to write a book on how she beat burnout and got focused. How can you too genuinely come to grips with what your dreams really are, and why you're dreaming them? And what if you're already doing that which you genuinely dreamed of doing, and yet are still feeling crispy around the edges? How does that mess with your productivity, let alone your mindset? How do talent, passion, strategy and hard work intersect to contribute to dream realization? What are the ironic bad feelings people can experience even after apparently accomplishing what they dreamed of doing? Are dreams overrated, given how people tend to feel once they've fulfilled them? Is it unreasonable and possibly even counter-productive to encourage our kids to dream big? And what of the idea that we often don't even realize what we wanted all along unt