The Chick Whisperer Podcast

True Love Defined - MTP203



It's been nearly twelve years, but Alex Allman of Revolutionary Sex is back to cover one of the most confounding subjects possible in the world of relationship advice. That's of course, true love. What is it? What does it mean to be 'in love'? Just importantly, what does it NOT mean? And when do you know you're actually there? Well, the truth is people may have different representations and definitions for true love, but there really is some substance to it...despite how nebulous and over-used the word itself is in the English language. Alex kicks the discussion off with some deep hippie stuff from the Grateful Dead, before carefully explaining how love isn't just something to aspire to, it's something you also build...and do. He's also careful to note the spiritual aspect of romantic love, even though what he says may not be what you're expecting. And you'll definitely not hear the same old jingoistic dating advice battle cries here. To that end, we define the difference between love and infatuation. We also