The Chick Whisperer Podcast

When Sexual Assault Happens To Men And Boys - MTP254



It's one of the darkest secrets out there. I'm talking about physical and sexual abuse upon us as men. Not only do many men experience this in silence, even the topic at large is uncomfortable to discuss, isn't it? Well, whether you have a dark secret of your own or simply wish to be a source of strength and encouragement for a fellow brother who does, this episode is for you--and it's one of the most important ones I've ever produced. This IS a thing, and it's actually happening far more than you've ever thought. Yet, men feel so much shame when victimized that incidents, or even continuous abuse, goes vastly underreported. My guest is Sandy Phillips Kirkham, who is a long-time victim advocate and the author of the ambiguously titled Let Me Pray/Prey Upon You. Now, despite the title of her book, Sandy isn't about anti-faith clergy bashing. Both she and I actually have stories, and have seen similar patterns among assailants. What are those patterns, and what are the insidious ways predators 'groom' their pot