Pista De Fusta

El clàssic: "Our favourite shop", de The Style Council (1985)



Paul Weller i Mick Talbot arriben al numero u de les llistes britàniques amb un disc polític, anti-Thatcher i ple d'elegància. De la portada a la darrera nota, la paraula "modernista" mai ha tingut tant significat com en aquesta obra mestra. 01 "Homebreakers" 02 "All gone away" 03 "Come to Milton Keynes" 04 "Internationalists" 05 "A stones throw away" 06 "The stand up comics instructions" 07 "Boy who cried wolf" 08 "A man of great promise" 09 "Down in the Seine" 10 "The lodgers (or she was only a shopkeeper's daughter)" 11 "Luck" 12 "With everything to lose" 13 "Have you ever had it blue" 14 "Our favourite shop" 15 "Walls come tumbling down" 15 "Shout to the top"