Pista De Fusta

Coses rave, coses de festejar i coses naturals



La temàtica del ball és rara o clara, segons com t'ho miris, segons si tens més o menys vergonya o por. Si et deixes anar, avui xalaràs. 01 Pachyman - "Sale el sol" 02 Quantic -"Unconditional (feat. Rationale)" 03 Art Feynman - "Early signs of rhythm" 04 Victor Porfidio - "Bandolero (feat. Becca)" 05 Baustaff - "Habano (DJ Dove & Mike Parra remix)" 06 Bruce Grooves - "All be free" 07 C&C Music Factory - "Just a touch of love (Si Slay edit)" 08 Ant Brooks & Lost At The Rave - "Rave ting" 09 Lynks - "New boyfriend" 10 Junior Vasquez - "Get your hands off my man (Peverell rework)" 11 Sofia Kourtesis -"How music makes you feel better" 12 DJ Georgie Porgie - "Make me loveya" 13 Act On & Josh Burnett - "Take you on" 14 Erasure - "Supernature (Daniel Miller & Phil Legg remix)"