

Are you nervous about the IELTS Speaking test? Most people get super nervous about this part of the test! Part of why you are nervous is because you don’t know what kind of questions to expect from the Examiner. Today we’re going to show you what questions the Examiner is likely to ask on the Speaking test.   We’re also going to show you how to prepare for these questions. On Part 1 of the Speaking test you will always have to talk about: Work Study Home    Sample questions for Speaking Part 1: Do you like your apartment? Are there many shops near your apartment? What are you studying? Why did you choose this subject? What will you do when you finish? Clothes Driving a car Excercise Food Health School- what do you remember about your high school? Who was your favorite teacher? What do you like to read? Do you enjoy reading before you go to bed?   ** Remember! You can’t give one-word answers. You must expand on your ideas. Give complete sentences or you will get marked down. When the Examiner ask