Alive With Purpose

308: Recharge With CEO Fridays



As entrepreneurs, it's so easy to get caught up in the grind, putting on the "blinders of doom" and sacrificing your well-being in pursuit of your goals. But by making space for rest, reflection, and inspiration, you'll be able to show up as a better leader, a more creative thinker, and a more fulfilled individual. Discover the powerful concept of CEO Fridays, which is where you intentionally carve out time each week to recharge, refuel, and reconnect with your deeper purpose.  This is something Erin and Steve have been doing for a while now, and they share the philosophical foundation behind this practice, the practical steps to make it a reality, and the profound impact it can have on your business and personal life. Whether you're new to the idea of CEO Fridays or you're looking to refine your approach to rest and recharge days, this episode is packed with insights, tips, and resources to help you design a dream CEO day that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit. So listen in and get ready to unlock a new