Newcity Orlando

Leviticus Is For Lovers | Leviticus 1



Senior Pastor Damein Schitter kicks off our fall series, Leviticus is For Lovers, preaching from Leviticus 1. He tackles the cultural distance and perceived obscurity head-on, revealing profound insights into God's character and His values. By slowing down and examining the priestly and sacrificial systems, Pastor Damein connects the dots from these ancient practices to the ultimate fulfillment found in Jesus Christ. He also shows how laws against murder and theft reveal the values of the lawgiver, and how offering our best to God reflects His holiness and grace.Pastor Damein concludes by bridging Leviticus to the New Testament, drawing meaningful connections that underscore the inclusivity of worship and the completeness of atonement provided by Christ. Reflecting on Romans 12:1, he explores how offering our lives as living sacrifices is a powerful response to God's mercy. Through his message, we are prepared to deepen our love for Jesus and enrich our understanding of Scripture, recognizing God&ap