Hacks & Hobbies

E634 - Marcus Aurelius Higgs - How to Nurture Your Preteen's Potential Through Meaningful Connection



In this episode, I get to speak with Marcus Aurelius Higgs. Marcus Aurelius Higgs, a communication coach specializing in supporting parents of preteens. If you're a parent with a child between the ages of 10-14, you know just how challenging those years can be. As our kids start going through that natural 'identity breaking' phase, maintaining an open and meaningful relationship with them becomes incredibly difficult. They start pulling away, having big emotions, and may lose confidence in themselves. And as parents, we're often at a loss for how to bridge that gap and keep those lines of communication open during such a pivotal time. That's where he comes in. Through his work with Certain Future, he uses an approach called 'The SHOW UP Framework' to equip parents with the skills they need to truly show up for their preteens. His goal is to help you feel confident in how you communicate during emotional moments, know how to be present even when they withdraw so they continue t