Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E89: Titan's Tiny Waves, Moon Caves for Astronauts, and Fire Risks in Space



Join us for SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 89, where we explore the latest cosmic events and advancements in space exploration.- Titan's Tiny Waves: Astronomers have determined that the seas of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, exhibit very tiny waves, only a few millimetres high. The findings, based on data from the Cassini spacecraft, reveal tidal currents and provide fresh insights into Titan's liquid hydrocarbon seas.- Moon Caves as Future Lunar Dwellings: New research suggests that underground cave networks on the Moon could offer safe dwellings for future astronauts. Detected through NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, these caverns could provide shelter from radiation and extreme temperatures.- Increased Fire Risk on Space Missions: A new study warns of an increased risk of fire on future long-distance interplanetary space missions. The unique conditions of microgravity and lower ambient air pressure could make fires spread more quickly and burn more intensely, posing significant dangers for space travellers