Lets Ask The Angels!

Angel Messages and Guidance for July 8th to 14



Hello and welcome! My name is Barbara Calvano and I am your host of Let's Ask the Angels podcast.  I am an Angel Intutitive and Life Coach. I guide people to live their best lives by connecting them to their Angels and guides. My next live show will be  Monday July 8th at 4pm ET.  Call in at 424-675-6837 for a one card reading.  I am using The 22 Archangels Oracle by Kyle Gray. Angel Healing Circle July 25th 7pm ET Hello! I am so excited about my next ANGEL HEALING CIRCLE on Thursday July 25th at 7pm ET. It is on Zoom and the reservation link is below. I am asking for a suggested donation $14. You may pay what you wish! Link also below. It will be a powerful one hour healing session of connecting with our angels, activating the 12 chakras for monadic (source) healing and support and angel messages for the group. I look forward to having you join us! Any questions please email me at bcalvano-coaching@usa.net  https://bcalvanocoaching.com/angel-circle-2/   (11) Barbara Calvano - YouTube Follow me at my w