Alive With Purpose

293: The Magic of Working With Tough Cookies



What do you do with the more, shall we say, unresponsive people on your team? Just let them be? Get on their case about changing? Show them the door? All of these options can be tempting as a leader with a tough cookie manage. But there are ways that this difficult person can actually transform your approach to leadership and team development. Listen to this week's podcast to explore: Why most "uncoachable" people really can change, and how to help them discover their own leverage points The power of accepting your own role in a team member's resistance, and what changes you can make to your own leadership and team culture as a whole How to set a high standard of performance while being curious about why someone may not be thriving Other topics from the show include: transformative coaching, embracing individuals where they're at, how leadership is like jazz improvisation, unleashing creativity through coaching, the role of different personality types in miscommunication, why someone being a tough cookie ma