What The If?

Space Vacuum MONSTERS!



Today’s cover art is by our Super IFFer listener, Josh Haberman! It’s inspired by our episode “Underwater Civilizations” and he says, it’s inspired by something Gaby said in the show. Josh explains: “I think the description was along the lines of "We're setting up on a beach and marching out of the water are heavy metal merpeople blitzed out in whalebone armor with breathing bladders over their heads". I used jellyfish as the breathing bladders though I don't know if that would work science wise XD.”We thank you Josh! See more of Josh’s work on his homepage: https://artofjoshhaberman.blogspot.com/And we encourage all of you to send in your artwork inspired by anything in the IF’s of the past or present! In this week’s episode, dive into the thrilling cosmic wilderness as your hosts, Philip and Gaby, grapple with space vacuum monsters! This exhilarating journey is filled with metaphoric Kaiju, colossal cosmic beings that inhabit the most inhospitable corners of the universe. As we navigate this celestial saf