Angela Watson's Truth For Teachers

EP141 Twelve ways to deal with colleagues who constantly complain



In this episode of the Truth for Teachers podcast, we're talking strategies for dealing with complainers at work so negative colleagues don't impact your enthusiasm for the job. Whether it’s in the teacher’s lounge, staff meetings, or just passing one another in the hallway, even a short conversation with a negative teacher can be totally draining. Everyone complains occasionally and no one is going be positive all the time ... this episode targets constant complaining or venting.  Ultimately what we’re talking about here is dealing with people who are nonstop, chronic complainers, or people who rarely, if ever, are looking for solutions, and they will likely shoot down any ideas you offer because they’re just wanting to complain.  I’m going to share 12 ways you can head off chronically complaining coworkers at the pass! Click here to read or share the transcript and audio or participate in the discussion.