What The If?

READ No More!



Dive into an electrifying journey where the unthinkable becomes reality – a world without the power to read! In this episode, inspired by a brilliant thought experiment from Lars in Sweden, we plunge into a universe where humanity wakes up to find all written language undecipherable. Imagine your phone, books, and even street signs turning into incomprehensible symbols overnight. How would this sudden shift affect our daily lives, technologies, and the very fabric of society? From exploring the immediate chaos to the long-term adaptations, such as a resurgence of the oral tradition and the pivotal role of video as our new primary knowledge repository, we unravel the consequences of this global phenomenon. It's a compelling blend of speculation and science that will fascinate anyone intrigued by the foundations of communication and the resilience of human ingenuity in the face of unprecedented challenges. Tune in and ponder, what if the human race could suddenly no longer read? --- Find out more about Gaby's