Alive With Purpose

281: How to Quit Your Day Job and Run Your Own Business



It's a dream many people have for themselves: to leave their corporate job and build the business they feel they're meant to create. And while it may be alluring, the path of entrepreneurship is also filled with pitfalls and challenges that need to be managed, lest they destroy those beautiful dreams of yours—which is, let's face, a common outcome for many people who make that leap. In today's episode of the podcast you will learn some of the mindset tools and support systems that will help you successfully navigate that transition in your own life.  You will discover: Why having a "runway" or "nest egg" saved up isn't enough to be successful, and what differentiates entrepreneurs who make it from those who don't How to adjust from being part of an established team to suddenly being responsible for everything without getting overwhelmed How to ensure you aren't making the leap harder on yourself than it needs to be, while also generating more energy for your business For the full show notes and transcript v