Chris Wallker




Concentration is the ability to open your mind, to let something in, and not allow anything else to get in the way. And I think this is a really important thing because we multitask a lot. And in doing that. The most dangerous thing or the most threatening thing will get the most air time. And all the other stuff will be going on, but we won't be giving it any airtime. We'll give it less and less airtime. We'll be listening less, thinking less, doing less. And the more and more of that happens, the more we block out interruptions. Concentration, therefore, is not the blocking of interruptions. Interruptions don't matter when you're concentrating. You let them in, but they don't stick. They just pass through. I think it's a pretty important thing to get, because most domestic struggles between husband and wife, between partners, most domestic struggles are caused by one or both individuals in the relationship not turning up. Not concentrating. So there's a lot to be gained. And I don't think in 2024 or 5 it is