Alive With Purpose

278: How to Run a Lean Business



Lean does not mean small. In fact, "small business" is one of our least favorite words, as it implies less of an impact. Lean, in our definition, means driven, strong, and purposeful. It's where you "punch above your weight" in terms of how the market perceives you relative to the size of your company. Your business makes a big difference with fewer resources and less waste than similar organizations. Lean is a philosophy more than a set of instructions. And this episode will help you put that philosophy to work in growing your business. You will discover: How to create a sense of ownership and shared vision in your team so you can have a bigger impact How to use lean principles to learn faster so you can create products that your customers love The signs you'll see in your calendar and/or org chart that you might not be running lean, and the mindset shift that will help you get there For the full show notes and transcript, visit