Lets Ask The Angels!

Angel Messages for January 2024: Tune In to The Infinite



PRERECORDED Hello! Recorded at my Angel Circle on December 28th on Zoom I am guided to share with you this information.  I first began sharing about working with  angels to relieve anxiety 12 years ago when I had a cancer scare. Since I am sober (now 33 years) drugs and alcohol were not options. . In this recording I take you through an advanced techniqque for beginners and experienced to connect with the wisdom that flows to you from  Source, your Monad (or original Divine spark) down to your 12th chakra or the Stellar Gateway. I am thinking doing a podcast on "99 ways to relieve anxiety besides vaping.".because of the multitudes of people that are dealing with anxiety today. This is not a quick fix but a specific clearing of programing that may be causing blockages in your alignment.  It takes concentation and willingness to connect to your own innate abilities to shift awareness. In your 12th chakra  ( which is located about arms length above your head) there are 12 rooms or portals each with specific l