What The If?

MUSIC of Gravitational Waves! With C. Renee JAMES



Join us for an enthralling podcast episode where hosts Matt, Gaby, and Philip, along with guest C. Renée James, dive into the captivating world of gravitational waves. We explore the concept of 'hearing' these space-time ripples, originating from pulsars and black hole mergers. James enlightens us on the nuances of these waves, from their cosmic chirps to their detection by LIGO. This humorous and curious conversation not only demystifies complex physics but also provides a unique 'soundtrack' to the cosmos, making it a must-listen for science enthusiasts and casual learners alike. Learn more about Renée's book, "Things That Go Bump in the Universe: How Astronomers Decode Cosmic Chaos" here: https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/authors/c-renee-james --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: