Real Crime Profile

#481: Meredith Kercher's murderer, Rudy Guede, Faces New Allegations of Rape and Assault | Part 1



In 2007, British college student Meredith Kercher was raped and brutally murdered (stabbed 47 times) by Rudy Guede in Perugia, Italy where she was studying on an exchange program. Though this case made international headlines, very few people recognize the name of the victim and even fewer know the name of her killer. Rudy Guede who received a shockingly reduced sentence for this horrific crime, was allowed lenient furloughs during his incarceration, and was paroled three years ago after only serving thirteen years.  Recently there are new allegations of rape and assault against him made by his 23 year old girlfriend. While the case is under investigation, Guede is fettered only by a restraining order and not under house arrest nor any other monitoring despite his violent history. Why has he time after time been given so many indulgences?While many may not recall Meredith Kercher’s name nor Rudy Guede’s there is one name everyone recognizes for all the wrong reasons in connection with this case and