Welcome To Night Vale

124 – A Door Ajar Part 1



There's been a drowning at the Pancake House. This episode was co-written with Brie Williams. Weather: “Lake Full of Regrets” by Devine Carama featuring River Greene and Devin Roberts from the album Kingtucky. https://devinecarama.bandcamp.com ADDED USA TOUR DATES of "All Hail" (Apr 2018).  http://welcometonightvale.com, click on live shows Music: Disparition http://disparition.info Logo: Rob Wilson http://robwilsonwork.com Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin.  http://welcometonightvale.com Follow us on Twitter @NightValeRadio or Facebook. Produced by Night Vale Presents.  http://nightvalepresents.com