Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The Blue Cord – Karen Bijjani



The Blue Cord Karen Bijjani There was a time in this country when we trained, equipped and sent missionaries into the far reaches of the world as witnesses for Christ. Their success was astounding. But now, we see the Islamic faith making huge inroads into the people groups of, what we refer to as, the “10-40 Window.” Now, these same nations are sending their Islamic practices into the Western nations and, as they do so, we can see the Christian Faith weakening here. In fact, they refer to us as the “Great Satan.” Does that shock you?  It shouldn’t. We have let our Faith in God and in Jesus slip to the point where immorality runs rampant in this nation. This nation is the #1 promoter of pornography, drugs, etc. So much so that now, other nations look to us as needing to hear the Gospel. In that light, I want to bring you someone today who is still faithful in reaching across other cultures. Sharing her Faith with people of other Faiths. Karen Bejjani grew up in America’s heartland, basically unaware of the f