Affirmation Pod - Affirmation, Relaxation and Meditation for Transformation

65 Owning Happiness and Releasing Victim Mode



Thanks Ange for requesting this episode! This month’s theme is Core Beliefs and you can get the free worksheet at  Here’s three questions to reflect on before starting the affirmations. The episode will give you about 30 seconds to answer the questions Question 1: What’s your definition of happiness? Question 2: What does owning your happiness mean to you? Question 3: What does stepping out of victim mode mean to you? And now settle in for the Affirmations... This is going to be a great day Sure, circumstances impact how I feel about life But I own my emotions I own my happiness I am clear on what makes me happy And putting more of this in my life I am clear on what makes me unhappy And having less of this in my life... Affirmations by Josie Ong The sister episode to this one is Episode 111 Acceptance and Managing Resentments   SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo code