Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Disciple Making Movement - Cynthia Anderson



Disciple Making Movement  Cynthia Anderson The primary command Jesus gave His disciples was to “Go and make disciples.” He did not say, “Go and get people saved” (though that is an important first step). He did not say, “Go into all the earth and heal people.” He did not say, “Go into all the earth and convert different religions to Christianity.” The command He gave was “Go and make DISCIPLES.”  That is what we are supposed to be doing. Preaching, witnessing, having people to be born again – all of those are STEPS to help people to BECOME disciples. That is one of the main problems the modern church is experiencing. We are too focused on the other STEPS and not the Disciple Making Step.  Amen! But, our guest today has been on the quest of “Making Disciples” for the last 30 years! Praise God!  Cynthia Anderson is an experienced cross-cultural minister with over 30 years of experience in global leadership, church planting and catalyzing disciple-making movements across the globe. Amen! She and her colleagues