Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Against the Odds - Anthony Razzano pt 1



AGAINST THE ODDS Anthony Razzano pt 1 Imagine this…your family has a linage of football greatness. As a young, 12 year old boy, you know this is in your blood too.  Your family, your coaches – everyone, is telling you to “never give up” on your dreams. Very often, we allow things to hold us back. We get angry things did not turn out the way we pictured or planned. We end up accepting these limiting beliefs as “the truth” of who we are.  But, in reality, it’s not the setbacks that define us. It’s how we respond to the setbacks. It’s how WE DECIDE HOW WE RESPOND – that’s what truly determines the outcome. The Bible says, in Proverbs 24 that “A righteous man may fall seven times and rise again.”  I like to say, “If you fall seven times, then get up eight!” Amen! Our guest today knows all too well how your attitude will determine your altitude… At the age of 12, Anthony Razzano followed the script of many young boys. He wanted to play football. It was in his family DNA. Amen!  But, on the evening of October 31,