Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Spiritual Warfare – Jeffrey Wilson pt 1



Spiritual Warfare Jeffrey Wilson pt 1 There is a forgotten group of heroes that, basically, fly under the radar while suffering silently with things they have seen, things they have experienced and things that were expected of them and things that were done by them. But then, unable to talk about with anyone. Not even their family. I’m talking about military veterans, mainly combat vets, special operations vets, etc. Many of the things they participated in were – and still are – classified. They cannot just go around telling anyone things they have witnessed or participated in. This adds to their problems with re-integrating in society. Even after all these years, there are many, many veterans out there suffering. Even from back in the Vietnam war era. Our guest today participated in some of these operations, with special ops forces and he has witnessed, first hand, some of the problems faced by our veteran heroes today. Jeffrey Wilson has worked as an actor, firefighter, paramedic, jet pilot, and diving ins