Influence Ecology

Kristina Panchenko – A New Guiding Philosophy



Raised in the Soviet Union, Kristina Panchenko's view of life was conceived in an environment of hard work, scarce resources, and limited opportunities. Subsequently, her guiding philosophy was that rewards and honor only come through hard work, suffering, and struggle. Now living in Miami, Florida, her study with Influence Ecology has helped reorient her view of business and life to take full advantage of her valuable time, exceptional talents, and remarkable history. She credits the philosophy of transactionalism as her new guiding philosophy. A virtual CFO, Kristina Panchenko offers emerging businesses the financial tools and knowledge to take their business to where it ought to be. Her firm helps small business owners with critical forward-looking financial management tools and consulting that are typically only affordable to large enterprises. You'll also hear Influence Ecology co-founders Kirkland Tibbels and I address the history of the philosophy of transactionlism and the relevance of this history