Real Crime Profile

#461: Why We Believe Maya - Deconstructing the case of Maya Kowalski with Andrea Dunlop, host of "Nobody Should Believe Me"



Laura and Jim interview Andrea Dunlop host of "Nobody Should Believe Me" a podcast about Munchausen by Proxy (also now referred to as Factitious Disorder.) In the UK this is known as Fabricated or Induced illness (FII). Andrea is a member of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children’s Munchausen by Proxy committee and the co-founder of Munchausen Support, a resource site for victims. Andrea has been outspoken in her criticism of Beate Kowalski, the mom at the heart of the documentary "Take Care of Maya" who fought so hard to find a treatment for her 9 year old daughter Maya’s rare condition of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Laura and Jim discuss the evidence Andrea claims to support her position that Beate abused Maya. Many experts in CRPS treated Maya and confirmed her diagnosis time and time again, as did her own pediatrician Dr. John Wassenaar who submitted a detailed affidavit and who observed Maya before, during and after her release from Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hosp