Real Crime Profile

#457: Take Care of Maya | Part 2



We continue our coverage of the case of Maya Kowalski, a 10 year old girl who was held against her family’s will at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in Florida for nearly three months while the doctors and staff wrongfully accused her mother Beate of medical child abuse and denied Maya the care she needed for CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). The Kowalski’s were not the only family traumatized by a pattern of coercive controlling behavior and abuse of power by certain members of this staff. For Beate Kowalski, their actions proved catastrophic and nearly destroyed this innocent family. #MayaKowalski #BeateKowalski #JackKowalski #KyleKowalski #netflix #documentary #ChildAbusePediatrician #AbuseofPower #CoerciveControl #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #ChildhoodIllness Follow us and continue the conversationOn Instagram Twitter Facebook PREVENTION LIFELINE