Real Crime Profile

#454: "Burden of Proof" - What really happened to Jennifer Pandos



What would you do if your 15 year old sister went missing and years later you realize that your parents may have been involved in her possible murder? That is what happened to Stephen Pandos, who's sister Jennifer disappeared from her bedroom the night of February 9th 1987 without a trace, leaving nothing but a bizarre note behind claiming to be written by a stranger. His parents Margie and Ron have always maintained they have no idea why or how she vanished nor where she is now. But their stories and behavior in the days and months after that night raised a lot of suspicions in the minds of police and even their extended family. The new MAX docuseries "Burden of Proof" traces Stephen's exhausting and frustrating search for the truth. We interview both Stephen and filmmaker Cynthia Hill about this long heartbreaking journey. #JenniferPandos #Missing #StephenPandos #BurdenofProof #HBOMax #CynthiaHill #Documentary #RealCrimeProfile #TrueCrime #Podcast #ExpertAnalysis #CriminalProfiling #FBI #NewS