All Ears English Podcast | Real English Vocabulary | Conversation | American Culture

AEE 136: Lisa Biskup from English Fluency Now Talks About Pacific Northwest Culture



Taking IELTS? Get our free IELTS video training course now Today we have a great guest! We have Lisa Biskup from English Fluency Now. Lisa is from the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Lisa is going to introduce us to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest and she is going to show us 4 things that are different or unique about her region.   4 Things That Are Unique About the Pacific Northwest: People enjoy the outdoors: People are focused on the environment and spending time outdoors. Even though it rains a lot, people like to get out and when it’s nice out, people spend a lot of time sailing, boating kayaking, hiking, etc. The temperatures are mild throughout the year and it’s not “painful” to be outdoors. They value local, organic food: A lot of people in this area value organic and local food, grass-fed beef, etc. There are a lot of farmers’ markets that people go to regularly. There is a huge market for this kind of natural food. A vibrant coffee culture: Starbucks started here! Starbucks broug