

If not traveling or having a much face to face interaction has eroded a layer of life from you, listen to these "Affirmations When Feeling Alive" The sister episode to this one is Episode 159 Motivation for a New Beginning Looking for ad free versions? Go to I want to announce that in a couple weeks I will be returning to publishing once a week. I am working on a special Affirmation Pod project that is taking up more time, attention and focus than I anticipated and I want to prevent burnout. I'm excited for when this project is ready for you!   SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Thanks for supporting our sponsors! This helps keep Affirmation Pod free for you to listen to whenever you need it. Get your promo codes at   WANT MORE EPISODES LIKE THIS ONE? Episode 210 I am a Whole and Complete Person Episode 187 Feeling Lonely Episode 158 I'm Not the Only One   LOOK WHO LOVES AFFIRMATION POD!!
