Rubens' Works

I want to compose relaxing, beautiful Instrumental music.I often compose Piano music.respect: Ravel, Faure, Schubert, Khachaturian, Glass, Part

Raphaella Silva

Faith, mindfulness and the power of words.

Saulo Oliveira Silva

Singer, songwriter, writer. If you have time and want to give my music a chance, here is the link to follow me on Spotify!...

Sergio Pari

As a co-founder, resident DJ, and host of Deep Therapy (, Sergio Pari is a key figure in the Ottawa house music scene delivering events that offer cutting...

Sergio Galoyan Sergio Galoyan is an ASCAP award winning songwriter/producer and DJ


Welcome to the Sergio Montano podcast, where amazing things happen.


Welcome to the Sergio podcast, where amazing things happen.

Rubem Lóta: Melhor É Servir

Biografia de Rubem da Silva Lóta, escrito por seu filho, pastor Diné René Lóta. O livro é uma singela homenagem à memória deste Homem de Deus que viveu pra servir. O...

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