Lost Face by Jack London. The first anthology of short stories by Jack London, Lost Face tells seven stories about the Klondike gold rush. In “Lost Face,” the fur...
The Iron Heel by Jack London. Set in the future, “The Iron Heel” describes a world in which the division between the classes has deepened, creating a powerful...
When White Fang – part wolf, part dog – gets separated from his family, he must find a way to survive on his own. In a harsh Canadian environment that means kill or be...
John Griffith "Jack" London (born John Griffith Chaney, January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916) was an American novelist, journalist, and social activist. A pioneer...
The Sea-Wolf is a psychological adventure novel about a literary critic, survivor of an ocean collision, named Humphrey and, his rescuer Wolf Larsen, the captain of a seal-hunting...
Buck, a powerful St Bernard dog is stolen from his comfortable Californian life in Santa Clara Vally and sold to a pair of French Canadians, who think Buck is one in a thousand....
Adventure tells about the confrontation between a man who finds himself alone in front of a plantation - harassed by blacks cannibals - and a bold, independent and liberated...
The Star Rover is a novel by American writer Jack London published in 1915 (published in the United Kingdom as The Jacket). It is a story of reincarnation. A framing story is told...
The Star Rover is a novel written and published by Jack London in 1915. It can be defined as a work of science fiction, because there are elements inherent to reincarnation and to...
The People of the Abyss (1903) is a book by Jack London about life in the East End of London in 1902. He wrote this first-hand account after living in the East End for...